What are stem cells with multiple capabilities?
  • dianaanderson686 February 14
    These cells possess all the advantages of embryonic stem cells, but is composed of embryos, these cells a cell non-stem taken from the man, and it is converted in the laboratory into stem cells, and then returned to the same person without rejection of the immune system to them, which is one of the most important obstacles in stem cell transplantation.

    Currently there are a small number of stem cell transplants, which scientists have proved that they are safe and effective, and the best example is the cultivation of the bone marrow.

    However being advertised around the world for many stem cell treatments, but unproven and unsupported there are still some challenges and difficulties do not need to be studied before the start stem cell therapy.

    One of these challenges is the ability of stem cells to form cancerous cells and also rejected her immune system; however, the stem cells are likely to occur in the development of treatment in the coming years, particularly in the treatment of skin diseases.

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